Competitive intelligence, Competitiveness, Franchising, Company Growth.Abstract
This paper endeavored to identify how the competitive intelligence process influences the growth and performance of franchise networks. The research employed a qualitative method and the field work was done with 15 franchisors from different sectors of activity. Two data analysis techniques were utilized: discourse analysis and critical incident technique. As a result, five critical incidents were found, that is, five competitive intelligence processes which would lead to the growth of a franchise network. In addition, three direct effects on performance were discussed: 1) increase sales and revenues; 2) increase the number of franchise units; 3) boosts chances of survival and growth of the network in local and external markets. On the other hand, it was possible to notice the existence of a dissonance between the perception of the franchisors regarding the rigor and structure of competitive intelligence process in the multiple franchise networks in the market.Downloads
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