Strategic Planning in People Management: A Case Study
Strategic Planning, People Management, Organizational Efficiency, Case studyAbstract
Objective: This study aims to analyze the tools and strategies available to managers for effective people management, particularly how strategic planning impacts organizational outcomes, project deadlines, and financial sustainability.
Method: The research employed a bibliographic review and a case study approach. The initial phase involved a comprehensive analysis of relevant literature to frame the investigation. Subsequently, a case study was conducted within a company, analyzing the integration of strategic planning in its people management processes.
Results: The findings revealed that strategic planning in people management significantly improves productivity and project success rates. It allows managers to forecast budgets, set realistic goals, and anticipate challenges in the organizational environment. The case study highlighted the benefits of aligning human resources with strategic objectives, which include enhanced operational efficiency and reduced errors.
Conclusion: The study underscores the importance of strategic planning in people management. It concludes that well-executed planning leads to improved financial viability and project outcomes, regardless of the complexity of the endeavor. The results advocate for broader adoption of strategic planning tools in people management as a critical driver of business success.
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