Inteligência Competitiva: um estudo bibliométrico na base de dados ISI Web of Science de 1956 a 2016
Inteligência Competitiva. Produção Científica. Bibliometria. Web of Science.Resumo
O objetivo do estudo foi o de mapear a produção científica internacional sobre inteligência competitiva em uma das principais bases de dados, a ISI Web of Science entre os anos 1956 e 2016, realizando uma pesquisa bibliométrica em trabalhos acadêmicos, identificando-se, após aplicados os filtros de refinamento, 162 registros de publicação em 108 periódicos distintos. O estudo conclui que, apesar do crescimento das pesquisas sobre o assunto, existe uma lacuna de investigação em algumas áreas do conhecimento como na administração e na ciência da informação, principalmente no Brasil, apontando também, a possibilidade de exploração do assunto com diferentes perspectivas como por exemplo através da pesquisa e desenvolvimento, marketing e área de vendas.Downloads
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GARCIA-ALSINA, Montserrat; ORTOLL, Eva; COBARSÍ-MORALES, Josep. Enabler and inhibitor factors influencing competitive intelligence practices. In: Aslib proceedings. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2013. p. 262-288. DOI:
GATSORIS, L. Competitive intelligence in Greek furniture retailing: a qualitative approach. EuroMed Journal of Business, v. 7, n. 3, p. 224-242, 2012. DOI:
GBOSBAL, Sumantra; KIM, Seok Ki. Building effective intelligence systems for competitive advantage. Sloan Management Review (1986-1998), v. 28, n. 1, p. 49, 1986.
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HEPPES, D.; DU TOIT, A. Level of Maturity of the Competitive Inteligence Function: case study of a retail bank in South Africa. In: Aslib Proceedings. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, p. 48-66, 2009. DOI:
HUGHES, Douglas E.; LE BON, Joël; RAPP, Adam. Gaining and leveraging customer-based competitive intelligence: the pivotal role of social capital and salesperson adaptive selling skills. Journal of the Academy of marketing Science, v. 41, n. 1, p. 91-110, 2013. DOI:
JOHNS, P.; VAN DOREN, D. C. Competitive intelligence in service marketing: A new approach with practical application. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, v. 28, n. 5, p. 551-570, 2010. DOI:
KÖSEOGLU, Mehmet Ali; ROSS, Gary; OKUMUS, Fevzi. Competitive intelligence practices in hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, v. 53, p. 161-172, 2016. DOI:
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MARTINET, B.; MARTI, Y.-M. L’intelligence économique: les yeux et les Oreilles de l’entreprise. Paris; Les Editions d’Organisation, 1995.
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NASRI, W. Competitive intelligence in Tunisian companies. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, v. 24, n. 1, p. 53-67, 2011. DOI:
NELKEN, M. Strategic Business Development for Information Centres and Libraries- Competitive intelligence. p. 19-41, 2012. DOI:
PIRTTILÄ, Anneli. Organising competitive intelligence activities in a corporate organisation. In: Aslib Proceedings. MCB UP Ltd, 1998. p. 79-84. DOI:
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SAAYMAN, A.; PIENAAR, J.; PELSMACKER, P.; VIVIERS, W.; CUYVERS, L.; MULLER, M.; JAGERS, M. Competitive intelligence: construct exploration, validation and equivalence. In: Aslib Proceedings. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2008. p. 383-411. DOI:
SHIH, Meng-Jung; LIU, Duen-Ren; HSU, Ming-Li. Discovering competitive intelligence by mining changes in patent trends. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 37, n. 4, p. 2882-2890, 2010. DOI:
YAP, C. S. RASHID, M. D. Z. A.; SAPUAN, D. S. Perceived environmental uncertainty and competitive intelligence practices. VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, v. 43, n. 4, p. 462-481, 2013. DOI:
TAREK, Bel Hadj; ADEL, Ghodbane; SAMI, Aouadi. The relationship between ‘competitive intelligence’and the internationalization of North African SMEs. Competition & Change, v. 20, n. 5, p. 326-336, 2016. DOI:
TEJ ADIDAM, Phani; BANERJEE, Madhumita; SHUKLA, Paurav. Competitive intelligence and firm's performance in emerging markets: an exploratory study in India. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, v. 27, n. 3, p. 242-254, 2012. DOI:
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