May we sign? The contractual relationship and its risks from the perspective of each involved




Labor relations, Comercial relations, Contract, Risk Perception


Purpose: To analyze what are the perceptions of risk associated with the labor and commercial contractual relationship between principals and agents in Ciudad Del Este -Paraguay.

Methodology/Approach: The conducting approach of the investigation is a multiple case study, based on semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis.

Originality/Relevance: It is emphasized that the study of risk perception in labor and commercial relationships can contribute to fostering that these vary from one individual to another, possibly due to individual cognitive processing and individual background.

Main Conclusions: The results indicate that each individual has a different perception of risk when faced with the same situation. However, those involved believe that, in a way, the contract can be a guarantee to these different perceptions of risks in relationships.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: As a theoretical contribution, the importance of research covering the subjectivity of risks and their impact on the assessment of situations and future decisions, both personal and organizational, is highlighted. As a practical contribution, it can be said that risk management becomes valuable because it indicates to the market the possibilities of agency problems. Through its legitimation, the factors that influence future outcomes can be mapped and to some degree contained.


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Author Biography

Gabrielle Ribeiro Rodrigues da Silva, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Doutora em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR, Paraná, (Brasil). 

Pesquisadora Visitante na Aalborg University - Dinamarca (2018-2019).


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Rodrigues da Silva, G. (2023). May we sign? The contractual relationship and its risks from the perspective of each involved. Journal of Sustainable Competitive Intelligence, 13, e0404.


