Technological Evolution in the context of dynamic capabilities
Change, Technology, Strategies, Dynamic capabilitiesAbstract
Purpose: The objective of this study is to understand the process of technological evolution in an industry of agricultural equipment and implements, located in the Northwest Frontier Region of Rio Grande do Sul, under the theoretical lens of dynamic capabilities.
Methodology/approach: A descriptive and qualitative research was developed, with a case study, longitudinal in nature with cross-sections, applied to an organization in the metal-mechanic sector, whose data was collected through an interview with one of its managers and access to the corporate website, and then content analysis was performed.
Originality/Relevance: The study integrates the theme of organizational changes and strategies resulting from the technological evolution that has occurred in recent decades, with the theory of dynamic capabilities and, therefore, has an important differential by combining these relevant approaches in the same research. Furthermore, a gap in research on the subject was identified in this same locus.
Key findings: The research conducted allowed to see how the modernization of the industry's products and operations occurred over the years, reinforcing the importance of dynamic capabilities in this process, to keep up with the market's changes and demands in relation to new technologies.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The theoretical framework of the study contributes to the understanding of aspects related to the theory of dynamic capabilities, as well as to organizational changes and strategies, especially with regard to the need for companies to adapt to technological evolution. Furthermore, the empirical analysis complements this understanding, with real findings and an effective methodology, which can serve as a basis for future studies.
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