Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness: A Case Study in a Brazilian Agro-Industrial Cooperative
Sustainable entrepreneurship, Sustainable agribusiness, Sustainable development goalsAbstract
Purpose: To identify sustainable practices in an agro-industrial cooperative in Rio Grande do Sul - RS (a southern state of Brazil well known for its significant participation in the national production of agribusiness), correlating them to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, as well as analyzing how sustainable entrepreneurship is transforming the lives of families and the space where they live.
Methodology/approach: The study used primary data collection through a semi-structured interview that took place in July 2020 with the Environmental Coordinator, also made use of secondary data with observation, document analysis through consultation on the cooperative's website, documents, and internal controls to generate evidence convergence and strengthen construct validity through source triangulation, in which case study findings are supported by more than one source of evidence.
Originality/Relevance: Sustainable entrepreneurship refers to the discovery, creation and exploitation of business opportunities that contribute to sustainability, generating socio-environmental gains for society.
Key findings: The studied Cooperative assumes a socio-environmental responsibility role through the developed activities that generate value to the cooperative members in an innovative, safe, and sustainable way, in addition to benefiting the surrounding community with sustainable practices, therefore the Cooperative in question is certified with the Certificate of Environmental Distinction, proving its commitment to sustainable development and good environmental practices. Educational and environmental practices that contribute to the promotion of sustainability in agribusiness were identified, such as the use of clean technologies in production and the proper management of waste generated by agro-industrial activity. These practices generate socio-environmental gains for society.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: This study brings a relevant theoretical contribution linked to sustainability and entrepreneurship in agribusiness based on findings in the practices of a cooperative. In addition to also contributing at an environmental level, this work contributes to contributing to the financial and social pillars that sustainability encompasses.
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